Quantum electrodynamics verified with exotic atoms

An international collaboration of researchers, including the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) has succeeded in a proof-of-principle experiment to verify strong-field quantum electrodynamics ...

Refuting the standard model of electroporation

Strong electric fields can be used to create pores in biomembranes. The method is known as electroporation. Inducing such defects in membranes in a targeted manner is an important technique in medicine and biotechnology, ...

An electrical change of phase using skyrmions

In a discovery that could have important implications for low-power computer memory, RIKEN researchers have shown that an entire sample can be switched between different magnetic states, or phases, simply by applying an electrical ...

A new qubit approach for more stable states for quantum computers

Quantum computers can more rapidly process large amounts of data, because they carry out many computation steps in parallel. The information carrier of the quantum computer is a qubit. Qubits do not only possess the information ...

Wannier-Stark localization achieved in polycrystals

Scientists from Paderborn University, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and the University of Konstanz have succeeded in achieving a rare quantum state. They are the first to have demonstrated Wannier-Stark localization ...

Strange things happen when a crystal is split in two

The remarkable strength of ionic crystals is easily explained at the atomic scale: Positively and negatively charged atoms sit side by side in a repeating periodic arrangement. The strong electrostatic force in between keeps ...

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