Smart phones spot tired drivers

An electronic accelerometer of the kind found in most smart phones that let the device determine its orientation and respond to movement, could also be used to save lives on our roads, according to research to be published ...

Car safety system could anticipate driver's mistakes

It may be a while yet before we have cars that drive themselves, but in the near future your car may help you drive. In particular, it could warn you when you're about to do something stupid.

Daimler gives look at autonomous 'living space' car

German automaker Daimler on Monday showed its vision of the driverless car, a prototype vehicle that allows four passengers to face each other as the vehicle finds its way.

Innate behavior determines how we steer our car

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have solved a 70 year old mystery in traffic research: an until now inexplicable jerkiness when we steer a vehicle. The discovery may lead to safety systems in cars that can ...

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