Stretching makes the superconductor

When people imagine "new materials," they typically think of chemistry. But UConn physicist Ilya Sochnikov has another suggestion: mechanics.

Why we should leave old oil rigs in the sea, and why we don't

Decommissioning the UK's offshore oil and gas infrastructure will cost the taxpayer £24 billion, according to estimates from HMRC. So why can't we leave man-made structures in the sea and thereby save the cost of removal ...

Assembly stand completed for James Webb Telescope flight optics

( -- The cleanroom at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. has received a giant structural steel frame that will be used to assemble the mirrors and instruments of the James Webb Space Telescope.

NIST releases final report on Cowboys facility collapse

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released its final report on the May 2, 2009, collapse during a severe thunderstorm of the fabric-covered, steel frame practice facility owned by the National Football ...