Extraterrestrial stone brings first supernova clues to Earth

New chemistry "forensics" indicate that the stone named Hypatia from the Egyptian desert could be the first tangible evidence found on Earth of a supernova type Ia explosion. These rare supernovas are some of the most energetic ...

How the Earth's core is like a multi-layered cake

How is our Earth's inner core like a cake? According to Professor Hrvoje Tkalčić and Sheng Wang from The Australian National University (ANU), there are more similarities than you might think.

Effects of past ice ages more widespread than previously thought

Cold temperatures, prevalent during glacial periods, had a significant impact on past and modern unglaciated landscapes across much of North America, according to a recent study by University of Arkansas geologist Jill A. ...

Harnessing the power of microbes for mining in space

For centuries, people have done the hard work of mining useful minerals and metals from solid rock. Then, scientists learned how to harness the power of tiny microbes to do some of this labor. This process, called biomining, ...

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