ManuCloud: Integrating the solar cell supply chain online

Global demand for renewable energy sources has created a burgeoning manufacturing sector for bespoke light-emitting diodes and solar cells. Europe needs to capitalise on this transition from mass production to more personalised, ...

Plastic solar cells' new design promises bright future

Energy consumption is growing rapidly in the 21st century, with rising energy costs and sustainability issues greatly impacting the quality of human life. Harvesting energy directly from sunlight to generate electricity using ...

Working the night shift on the moon

There's never a cloudy day on the moon. It's flooded with sunshine 24/7 during its two-week-long daytime, so it makes sense to use solar energy to power future lunar rovers and other devices. But each lunar day is followed ...

Cheaper solar panels fuel rise in renewable energy

A dramatic drop in the price of solar power technology last year helped the continued growth of renewable energy, according to a U.N.-backed report published Wednesday.

New hybrid technology set to change the future of renewables

A new hybrid technology that integrates wind and solar power generation is set to overcome many of the problems associated with traditional renewable power systems and revolutionise the green energy sector.

Solar plane flies toward Midwest after storms

A solar-powered aircraft piloted by a Swiss adventurer left Texas Monday for Missouri where it will use a "revolutionary" inflatable hangar to replace one damaged in last week's Midwest tornadoes.

The fluorescent future of solar cells

( —For some solar cells, the future may be fluorescent. Scientists at Yale have improved the ability of a promising type of solar cell to absorb light and convert it into electrical power by adding a fluorescent ...

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