Kids reduce stress in goat herds

The introduction of young dairy goats into an existing herd is stressful for all animals involved. Rank fights and aggressive behaviour can further result in injury. Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine (Vetmeduni ...

Shelter from the storm: The social landscape of pets in disasters

Most researchers can draw a line from their current field of study to something in their past that first lit the spark—an engineer who had a knack for fixing things, an economics professor who was always good with numbers.

Researchers survey 'ethical consumerism' views

Research at Purdue University draws a connection between lifestyles choices and demographics of consumers and how they view not only their own social responsibility in their buying decisions but also that of corporations.

Savings accounts for children linked with later financial success

( —A new series of reports based on research conducted at the University of Kansas shows that young people who have savings from an early age are more likely to maintain positive relationships with financial institutions, ...

New study shows welfare prevents crime, quite dramatically

A new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Economics indicates that removing cash welfare from children when they reach age 18 greatly increases the chances that they will face criminal justice charges in subsequent years. ...

What would it mean to have feminist AI?

Under the hotly debated impacts of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) lies the deeper problem of biased data teaching AI. Perhaps now more than ever, with growing numbers of people and organizations turning to tools ...

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