Four things the Catalan crisis can teach us about social unity

The Catalan crisis has made headlines numerous times around the world over the past few months. It has sparked heated arguments between pro-independance and anti-independence supporters. And in many of the reports, the Catalan ...

Groundbreaking discovery of early human life in ancient Peru

A-tisket, A-tasket. You can tell a lot from a basket. Especially if it comes from the ruins of an ancient civilization inhabited by humans nearly 15,000 years ago during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene ages.

Video: How machine learning is transforming the world around us

"Siri, will it rain today?", "Facebook, tag my friend in this photo." These are just two examples of the incredible things that we ask computers to do for us. But, have you ever asked yourself how computers know how to do ...

Apes remember their old friends' voices

Humanity's closest living relative, the bonobo ape, can remember the voices of old friends for several years, just as people can, researchers have shown.

Predators drive social complexity

Variation in social organization and behavior of highly social animals like cichlids is primarily explained by predation risk and related ecological factors. This stresses the significance of predation for social evolution.

Caribbean sperm whales found to have a regional dialect

(—A trio of researchers working off the coast of the Caribbean island of Dominica, has found evidence that suggests whales living in the Caribbean Sea have a different 'accent' than whales living in other oceans. ...

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