A better device to detect ultraviolet light

Researchers in Japan have developed a new photodiode that can detect in just milliseconds a certain type of high-energy ultraviolet light, called UVC, which is powerful enough to break the bonds of DNA and harm living creatures. ...

HELIOS makes silicon breakthrough

Researchers in Europe have succeeded in presenting an integrated tuneable transmitter on silicon - the first time this has ever happened. This results are an outcome of the HELIOS ('Photonics electronics functional integration ...

Engaging diamond for next-era transistors

As consumers around the world have become increasingly dependent on electronics, the transistor, a semiconductor component central to the operation of these devices, has become a critical subject of scientific research. Over ...

Rice's silicon oxide memories catch manufacturers' eye

(Phys.org) —Rice University's breakthrough silicon oxide technology for high-density, next-generation computer memory is one step closer to mass production, thanks to a refinement that will allow manufacturers to fabricate ...

Looking deeply into polymer solar cells

Researchers from the Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Ulm have made the first high-resolution 3D images of the inside of a polymer solar cell. This gives them important new insights in the nanoscale ...

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