How reliable are search terms for SEO and SEM results?

With billions of dollars spent each year on search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM), the power of search terms holds more value than ever. But more than a few digital marketing professionals have ...

Entropy and search engines

Entropy, a term loosely referring to the disorder of a physical system and infamously associated with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, wherein we know that it ultimately increases in any closed system, might be used to gauge ...

Fuzzy logic helps detect redirection spam

Web browsers might soon use fuzzy logic to spot redirection spam and save users from being scammed, phished or opening malicious sites unwittingly, according to researchers in India writing in the International Journal of ...

Groupon broaches new segment: Real estate

Chicago real estate brokerage firm Dream Town Realty launches Friday a week-long deal on Groupon, hoping to tap the popular social buying model to attract clients.

Blekko, Montage offer new ways to search the Web

Internet search engines have become such a helpful fixture of everyday life that it's tough to imagine life before them. They gather information at eye-blink speed, can guess a user's intent and present real-time results ...

Hip websites need hard facts to thrive

Mixed in with technology innovations at South By South West (SXSW) were reminders that real-world performance facts are vital to thriving on an increasingly crowded Internet.

Google Chrome extensions to be officially released

( -- Google is expected to release its Extensions Gallery for general users of the new Chrome browser this week, possibly at the Add-On Conference on browser extensions to be held on December 11, 2009. Google ...