Beetles in a bottle: A message from aliens to schools

While invasive alien species (IAS) represent a growing threat to global biodiversity and ecosystems, public awareness of them hasn't seen a significant increase. Many researchers believe informing people about IAS is an essential ...

Three ways to prevent school shootings, based on research

In the months leading up to his 2012 attack that killed 26 people in Newtown, Connecticut, a 20-year-old man exhibited a cascade of concerning behaviors. He experienced worsening anorexia, depression and obsessive-compulsive ...

Project counts down Ariel exoplanet targets

Details of the orbits of 450 candidate exoplanet targets of the European Space Agency's Ariel space mission have been presented this week at the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2022, and submitted for publication in the ...

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