Study on plant roots challenges nature of ecological trade-offs

The specific traits of a plant's roots determine the climatic conditions under which a particular plant prevails. A new study led by the University of Wyoming sheds light on this relationship—and challenges the nature of ...

Rusted root: Weedy rice repeatedly evolves 'cheater' root traits

Weedy rice is neither wild rice nor crop rice, but rice gone rogue that has shed some traits important to people. It also is an incredibly aggressive, potentially detrimental weed that pops up almost everywhere rice is grown, ...

Pea and lentils invest in root system development differently

Underneath the surface, plant roots are hard at work. Roots, of course, are how plants get water and minerals from the soil. But digging into how different root systems affect crop yields has been challenging for researchers.

Machine learning for measuring roots

Researchers from the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and La Salle-Ramon Llull University, both in Barcelona, Spain, have developed software that uses image processing and machine learning to semi-automate ...

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