A pioneering facial recognition cane for the blind

A revolutionary 'smart' cane enabling the visually impaired to instantly identify friends and family could be available soon, thanks to students at Birmingham City University.

As hacking grows, biometric security gains momentum

With hackers seemingly running rampant online and millions of users compromised, efforts for stronger online identity protection—mainly using biometrics—are gaining momentum.

The future of biometric technology

Biometric security such as fingerprint, face and voice recognition is set to hit the mainstream as global technology companies market the systems as convenient and easy to use, according to a prominent information security ...

Battery-free technology brings gesture recognition to all devices

Mute the song playing on your smartphone in your pocket by flicking your index finger in the air, or pause your "This American Life" podcast with a small wave of the hand. This kind of gesture control for electronics could ...

When convenience meets surveillance: AI at the corner store

Jacksons Food Store customer Denise Diharce was surprised to learn that the Tacoma location she frequents for odds and ends is testing a high-tech system that, prior to entry, will compare her to images of previous crime ...

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