Global warming slowdown: No systematic errors in climate models

Sceptics who still doubt anthropogenic climate change have now been stripped of one of their last-ditch arguments: It is true that there has been a warming hiatus and that the surface of the earth has warmed up much less ...

Exotic symmetry seen in ultracold electrons

( -- An exotic type of symmetry - suggested by string theory and theories of high-energy particle physics, and also conjectured for electrons in solids under certain conditions - has been observed experimentally ...

Random numbers game with quantum dice

( -- A simple device measures the quantum noise of vacuum fluctuations and generates true random numbers.

Reliable communication, unreliable networks

Now that the Internet's basic protocols are more than 30 years old, network scientists are increasingly turning their attention to ad hoc networks—communications networks set up, on the fly, by wireless devices—where ...

Physicist writes a better formula to predict baseball success

( -- Kerry Whisnant, Iowa State University physicist, studies the mysteries of the neutrino, the elementary particle that usually passes right through ordinary matter such as baseballs and home-run sluggers.

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