Superfast light source made from artificial atom

All light sources work by absorbing energy – for example, from an electric current – and emit energy as light. But the energy can also be lost as heat and it is therefore important that the light sources emit the light ...

Researchers find transition point in semiconductor nanomaterials

Collaborative research at Notre Dame has demonstrated that electronic interactions play a significant role in the dimensional crossover of semiconductor nanomaterials. The laboratory of Masaru Kuno, professor of chemistry ...

Nobel chemistry winner flunked first college chemistry exam

Talk about bouncing back. MIT professor Moungi Bawendi is a co-winner of this year's Nobel chemistry prize for helping develop "quantum dots"—nanoparticles that are now found in next generation TV screens and help illuminate ...

Mini electricity generator made from quantum dots

Machines and electronic devices often generate waste heat that is difficult to utilize. If electricity could be generated from this waste heat, it would offer a means for a clean and sustainable power production: Such a technology ...

A solid case of entanglement

Physicists have finally managed to demonstrate quantum entanglement of spatially separated electrons in solid state circuitry.

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