Related topics: girls

Starfish reveal evolutionary history of puberty hormone

Research from academics at Queen Mary University of London School of Biological and Behavioral Sciences, published in BMC Biology, has revealed the evolutionary history of a hormone that controls sexual maturation in humans.

Can we perceive gender from children's voices?

The perception of gender in children's voices is of special interest to researchers, because voices of young boys and girls are very similar before the age of puberty. Adult male and female voices are often quite different ...

Perfect timing: Making the 'switch' from juvenile to adult

Very little is known about how the onset of puberty is controlled in humans, but the discovery of a new gene in the roundworm C. elegans could be the "missing link" that determines when it's time to make this juvenile-to-adult ...

Onset of puberty in female bonobos precedes that of chimpanzees

Puberty is the threshold between childhood and adulthood. Behavior and appearance change considerably during this period – not only in humans but also in our closest relatives, the great apes. In a current study researchers ...

Could viruses be used to treat acne?

Watch out, acne. Doctors soon may have a new weapon against zits: a harmless virus living on our skin that naturally seeks out and kills the bacteria that cause pimples.

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