Improving adult skills can help globalisation benefits

In an increasingly competitive international environment, providing workers with the right mix of skills can help ensure that globalisation translates into new jobs and productivity gains rather than negative economic and ...

Cotton economists unveil new global cotton outlook analysis

A new cotton outlook analysis from Texas Tech University's Cotton Economics Research Institute notes that global growth is projected to remain at 3 percent over the next five years, then slow by half a point during the following ...

Germany eyes new Internet industrial revolution

Known throughout the world for quality cars and industrial giants, Germany is now seeking to position itself for the coming revolution, "industry 4.0", powered by Internet.

GE says 'Industrial Internet' could be worth trillions

Connecting industrial operations to the Internet could lead to significant gains in productivity, potentially worth $10 trillion to $15 trillion globally, a study by General Electric said Monday.

Finding ways to feed pigs for less

Results of a preliminary experiment conducted at the University of Illinois indicate that it may be possible to select pigs that can make efficient use of energy in less expensive feed ingredients, thus reducing diet costs.

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