Chemists image basic blocks of synthetic polymers

Synthetic polymers are everywhere in our society—from nylon and polyester clothing to Teflon cookware and epoxy glue. At the molecular level, these polymers' molecules are made of long chains of monomer building blocks, ...

The medicine of the future could be artificial life forms

Creating artificial life is a recurring theme in both science and popular literature, where it conjures images of creeping slime creatures with malevolent intentions, or super-cute designer pets. At the same time, the question ...

A novel approach for balancing properties in composite materials

Dr. Amir Asadi, an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution at Texas A&M University, is making groundbreaking strides in the field of composite materials. His research explores ...

Researchers grow precise arrays of nanoscale LEDs

Halide perovskites are a family of materials that have attracted attention for their superior optoelectronic properties and potential applications in devices such as high-performance solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and ...

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