Innovating optoelectronic components with phosphorus

Phosphorus chemist Prof. Jan J. Weigand from the Dresden University of Technology, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team, has developed a method to introduce phosphorus and nitrogen atoms into polycyclic molecules. ...

Expanding gas mining threatens our climate, water and health

Australia, like its competitors Qatar, Canada and the United States, aspires to become the world's largest exporter of gas, arguing this helps importing nations reduce their greenhouse emissions by replacing coal.

From abundant hydrocarbons to rare spin liquids

Fuel such as petrol is made up of hydrocarbons—a family of molecules consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen. Pigment and dye, coal and tar are made up of hydrocarbons too.

Fungi clean oil-polluted soil

Fungi can be harnessed to clean polluted soil which cannot be cleaned using traditional composting. This was the finding of Erica Winquist, M.Sc. (Tech.), in her dissertation for Aalto University.

Pavement sealcoat a source of toxins in stormwater runoff

Driveways and parking lots may look better with a layer of sealcoat applied to the pavement, but the water running off the surface into nearby streams will be carrying more than just oxygen and hydrogen molecules. New research ...