Dolphins have ability to sense electrical signals

In a new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers reveal the discovery of how the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, is able to sense electric fields of prey in the water using structures found ...

Genetic safety in numbers, platypus study finds

( -- Platypuses on the Australian mainland and in Tasmania are fighting fit but those on small islands are at high risk of being wiped out from disease, according to a University of Sydney study.

Danger heats up for Australia's platypus

Global warming could shrink the habitat of Australia's duck-billed platypus by a third, researchers warned Friday, with hotter, drier temperatures threatening its survival.

New insights into Australia's unique platypus

( -- New insights into the biology of the platypus and echidna have been published, providing a collection of unique research data about the world's only monotremes.

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