Is there a multiverse?

Interest in the multiverse theory, suggesting that our universe is just one of many, spiked following the release of the movie "Everything Everywhere All At Once." The film follows Evelyn Wang on her journey to connect with ...

How physics can help us make sense of multiverse madness

If you're a fan of science fiction films, you'll likely be familiar with the idea of alternate universes—hypothetical planes of existence with different versions of ourselves. As far from reality as it sounds, it is a question ...

Is the 'fine-tuned universe' an illusion?

For decades physicists have been perplexed about why our cosmos appears to have been precisely tuned to foster intelligent life. It is widely thought that if the values of certain physical parameters, such as the masses ...

Revealing the "Secrets of the Universe" in IMAX theaters

A unique IMAX 3D experience that seeks to answer the most essential questions about the universe is just few steps away from being released with an ambitious intention to inspire the inner scientist in every one of us. The ...

Schrodinger's cat gets a reality check

It's a century-old debate: what is the meaning of the wave function, the central object of quantum mechanics? Is Schrödinger's cat really dead and alive?

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