China 'exporting' ozone pollution to US, study says

Progress slashing unhealthy ozone in the western United States has been largely undone by pollution wafting across the Pacific from China, according to a study published Monday.

Want to feed the world? Tackle pollution from ozone and soot

Researchers have long known that man-made climate change will harm yields of important crops, possibly causing problems for the world's food security. But new research shows air pollution doesn't just harm crops indirectly ...

An up-close look at what air pollution is doing to your body

We are all aware that air pollution can be bad for our health – the World Health Organisation estimated that ambient air pollution caused 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012 – yet what exactly happens to your ...

Ozone masks plant's volatiles, plant eating insects confused

( —Increases in ground-level ozone, especially in rural areas, may interfere not only with predator insects finding host plants, but also with pollinators finding flowers, according to researchers from Penn State ...

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