Mind your Qs: PolyQ-binding protein 5 scaffolds the nucleolus

Everyone has that one friend who's the life of the party, bringing people together and keeping everyone connected. Now, researchers from Japan find that an unusually structured protein plays a similar role in bringing a diverse ...

What we've learned about the nucleolus since you left school

The size of a cell's nucleolus may reveal how long that cell, or even the organism that cell belongs to, will live. Over the past few years, researchers have been piecing together an unexpected link between aging and an organelle ...

Nucleolus forms via combination of active and passive processes

Researchers at Princeton found that the nucleolus, a cellular organelle involved in RNA synthesis, assembles in part through the passive process of phase separation – the same type of process that causes oil to separate ...

Protein maintains order in the nucleus

Researchers in Freiburg identify a protein responsible for the correct arrangement of the chromosome centromeres in the nucleus.