Plasma fusion: Adding just enough fuel to the fire

How much fuel can we add to the fire while still maintaining control? Metaphorically speaking, that's the question one team at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) has been asking themselves ...

A new way to erase quantum computer errors

Quantum computers of the future hold promise in solving all sorts of problems. For example, they could lead to more sustainable materials and new medicines, and even crack the hardest problems in fundamental physics. But ...

Self-correcting quantum computers within reach?

Quantum computers promise to reach speeds and efficiencies impossible for even the fastest supercomputers of today. Yet the technology hasn't seen much scale-up and commercialization largely due to its inability to self-correct. ...

Illuminating errors creates a new paradigm for quantum computing

Researchers have developed a method that can reveal the location of errors in quantum computers, making them up to 10 times easier to correct. This will significantly accelerate progress towards large-scale quantum computers ...

Hubble captures intermediate spiral galaxy NGC 6951

Bright blue spiral arms twist around the bright-white center of this starry galaxy. This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image features NGC 6951, an intermediate spiral galaxy 78 million light-years away in the Cepheus constellation.

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