Close to absolute zero, electrons exhibit their quantum nature

What would happen if an electric current no longer flowed, but trickled instead? This was the question investigated by researchers working with Christian Ast at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. Their investigation ...

Quantum physics sets a speed limit to electronics

How fast can electronics be? When computer chips work with ever shorter signals and time intervals, at some point they come up against physical limits. The quantum-mechanical processes that enable the generation of electric ...

Throwing light on a mysterious human 'superpower'

Most people, at some point in their lives, have dreamt of being able to fly like Superman or develop superhuman strength like the Hulk. But very few know that we human beings have a "superpower" of our own, which almost anybody ...

'Ghost snake' discovered in Madagascar

Researchers discovered a new snake species in Madagascar and named it "ghost snake" for its pale grey coloration and elusiveness. They found the ghost snake on a recently opened path within the well-traveled Ankarana National ...

Tricking the uncertainty principle

( —Caltech researchers have found a way to make measurements that go beyond the limits imposed by quantum physics.

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Nature Physics

Nature Physics, published by the Nature Publishing Group, is a scientific journal focusing on pure and applied physics. The journal was launched in October 2005.

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