Revealing how an embryo's cells sync up

Scientists have known that when a mouse embryo is developing, the cells that will become its spine and muscles switch specific genes on and off repeatedly, in a synchronous fashion. However, there are deep mysteries about ...

Gene-silencing complexes join forces to inactivate X chromosomes

RIKEN researchers have shed new light on the roles two protein complexes play in the enigmatic process of turning off one X chromosome in female mammals. This finding could help researchers discover how certain cancers occur ...

Sterile mice produce rat sperm

Researchers generated rat sperm cells inside sterile mice using a technique called blastocyst complementation. The advance appears August 4 in the journal Stem Cell Reports.

Mouse stem cells for primitive endoderm established

Stem cells that give rise to the mouse yolk sac have been isolated and cultured in the lab for the first time by RIKEN researchers, raising the possibility of artificially creating mouse embryos from stem cells in the future.

Recreating the earliest stages of life

In their effort to understand the very earliest stages of life and how they can go wrong, scientists are confronted with ethical issues surrounding the use of human embryos. The use of animal embryos is also subject to restrictions ...

Advanced mouse embryos grown outside the uterus

To observe how a tiny ball of identical cells on its way to becoming a mammalian embryo first attaches to an awaiting uterine wall and then develops into nervous system, heart, stomach and limbs: This has been a highly-sought ...

Organoids produce embryonic heart

There was a time when the idea of growing organs in the lab was the stuff of science fiction. Today, stem cell biology and tissue engineering are turning fiction into reality with the advent of organoids: tiny lab-grown tissues ...

New insights into early embryonic development

The majority of pregnancies that fail do so at a very early developmental stage, before the pregnancy is even detectable by tests. This critical stage, occurring about a week after fertilization, is when an embryo implants ...

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