Related topics: stars

Measuring forces in the DNA molecule

DNA, our genetic material, normally has the structure of a twisted rope ladder. Experts call this structure a double helix. Among other things, it is stabilized by stacking forces between base pairs. Scientists at the Technical ...

A star's birth holds early clues to life potential

Our solar system began as a cloud of gas and dust. Over time, gravity slowly pulled these bits together into the Sun and planets we recognize today. While not every system is friendly to life, astronomers want to piece together ...

Sophisticated enzyme-mimic enables efficient hydrogen production

Researchers from the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have developed a new catalyst that paves the way for low-cost, large-scale hydrogen-production. The researchers, led by Professor ...

New insights into the supercritical state of water

Using molecular dynamics simulations, researchers have analysed the properties of supercritical water. The researchers showed which structure of the hydrogen bond network is formed in different supercritical states and also ...

Microbes map path toward renewable energy future

In the quest for renewable fuels, scientists are taking lessons from a humble bacterium that fills our oceans and covers moist surfaces the world over. While the organism captures light to make food in a process called photosynthesis, ...

Cassini plunged into icy plumes of Enceladus

The Cassini spacecraft took a daring plunge into the icy geysers of Saturn's moon Enceladus this week in search of telltale signs of a habitable environment.

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