The sad state of biodiversity

Factfile on biodiversity ahead of talks opening Monday under the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Hyderabad, India.

UN: Fewer hungry people in the world despite wars, poverty

The number of hungry people around the world has dropped to 795 million from over a billion a quarter-century ago despite natural disasters, ongoing conflicts and poverty, the three U.N. food agencies said Wednesday.

Leaders call on UN to set new zero poverty target

The leaders of Britain, Indonesia and Liberia on Thursday called on the United Nations to set a target of 2030 to eradicate extreme poverty, as the spearhead of new development goals.

Landmark Rio summit on 'green' economy opens

World leaders open a UN summit Wednesday where they are set to endorse a blueprint for eradicating poverty and protecting the environment that critics insist is a threadbare compromise.

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