Say 'ahhh': This ecofriendly tongue depressor checks vitals

Doctors often use tongue depressors when peering in a patient's mouth and throat. But what if that flat wooden spatula could actively evaluate the patient's health? That's the premise of an ecofriendly disposable sensor, ...

Water receding slowly in flood-hit northeast Bangladesh

Water levels were slowly receding Thursday in major rivers in Bangladesh's flood-hit northeast, bringing hopes of relief to millions of Bangladeshis, but woes continued in India's northeast, where 5.5 million people remained ...

Image: Twilight stars at Concordia

Concordia sits on a plateau 3200 m above sea level. A place of extremes, temperatures can drop to –80°C in the winter, and the Sun does not rise above the horizon in the winter, forcing the crew to live in isolation without ...

A call for the cold

As the Northern hemisphere starts to feel the cold winter approaching, research stations in Antarctica are emerging from their long dark winter and awaiting the arrival of fresh supplies after living months in isolation.

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