Related topics: mobile devices

LED bulbs hit 100 watts as federal ban looms

Two leading makers of lighting products are showcasing LED bulbs that are bright enough to replace energy-guzzling 100-watt light bulbs set to disappear from stores in January.

AGC creates 15% lighter glass for mobile devices

( -- Asahi Glass Co. (AGC), a Tokyo-based makers of flat glass, automotive glass, display glass, chemicals and other high-tech materials and components, has announced the creation of a the world's thinnest soda-lime ...

Hot off the press: Nanoscale Gutenberg-style printing

( -- When Gutenberg developed the principles of modern book printing, books became available to the masses. Hoping to bring technology capable of mass production to the nanometer scale, Udo Bach and this team ...

Climate flux matched Europe's social rise and fall

Ancient tree rings show links between climate change and major events in human history, like migrations, plagues and the rise and fall of empires, said a study this week in the journal Science.

Billionaire unveils Russia's first hybrid car (w/ Video)

Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov on Monday unveiled a new hybrid car that is due to come on the market in 2012, a first in a country where motorists often show scant regard for the environment.

Samsung Begins Mass Producing 3D TV Panels

( -- Samsung Electronics announced today that it has become the first company to commence mass production of panels for 3D LED TVs and 3D LCD TVs.

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