Related topics: blood sugar

Sugar-free gum can be deadly for dogs

(HealthDay)—Here's an alert for all dog lovers: Sugarless chewing gum isn't good for your pooch. In fact, it could be deadly.

Researcher aims to shed light on diabetic alert dogs

Today's companies that train diabetic alert dogs and place them with families have experienced a high rate of success, but there's a catch—nobody knows how the dogs are doing it. That's where Catherine Reeve comes in.

Sugar-free candy not a sweet treat for dogs, veterinarian warns

When taking home a stash of candy, keep an eye on the sugar-free kind. While it may be a good alternative for humans, just a small amount can be life-threatening for pets, says a Kansas State University veterinarian.

Study shows some Gulf dolphins severely ill

Bottlenose dolphins in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, are showing signs of severe ill health, according to NOAA marine mammal biologists and their local, state, federal and other research partners.