After initial flop, Google will try again to launch Android TV

Google Inc. still imagines a world in which people talk to their TV, commanding it to switch from ESPN to YouTube, start playing "Orange Is the New Black" on Netflix or answer "What's the weather like tomorrow?"

Microsoft hopes 'Titanfall' can boost Xbox One

Tech titan Microsoft—which has struggled to keep pace with Sony and its PlayStation 4—is pinning its hopes on a new action video game, ironically named "Titanfall."

Older adults don't speak 'robot,' study finds

( —In order to effectively program robots that ultimately could be used to aid seniors, researchers at the University of Notre Dame and University of Missouri studied the type of language older adults used when ...

Facebook guards hacker mentality to stave off complacency

Facebook Inc. is on the outs with investors, and the tumbling stock price has dented employees' morale and personal net worth. But at 1 Hacker Way, there's no stopping the hacker culture - or the hackathon.

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