Victorian-era disease hits Scotland's poorest

A disease linked to poverty and malnutrition that once crippled the crowded slums of 19th-century Britain is on the rise in Scotland, according to data published at the weekend.

Cat owners need better information about when to neuter their cat

Despite current recommendations by UK welfare organisations that cats should be neutered at four months, a new study from the 'Bristol Cats' study cohort has shown that 85 per cent of pet cats are not neutered by the recommended ...

Smart urban planning makes daily life smooth in Finland

For several years in a row, Finland has topped the prestigious World Happiness Report, bringing a lot of attention to the modest Nordic country of 5.5 million people. What's the recipe for a content and healthy city in a ...

Smartphones and PDA's may add to toxic substance exposure

Lifestyle factors including breastfeeding and diet may impact on expecting mothers' exposure to persistent toxic substances (PTS) including metals commonly found in electronic devices, according to a study into environmental ...

Dodging justice: Characteristics of repeat child sex offenders

Many crimes are obvious, with those responsible soon apprehended, but with most sexual abuse (including child sexual abuse) remaining unreported or undetected, Griffith University researchers have investigated the characteristics ...

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