NASA takes Lasercom a step forward

A NASA-developed laser communication (lasercom) system made headlines in 2013 when it demonstrated record-breaking data download and upload speeds to the moon. Now, a NASA optical physicist says he can match those speeds—plus ...

AIMing a light across millions of kilometres

Imagine beaming a light across millions of kilometres of empty space, all the way back to Earth. ESA's proposed Asteroid Impact Mission is intended to do just that: demonstrate laser communications across an unprecedented ...

Lasers tailor graphene for new electronics technology

Carbon nanomaterials display extraordinary physical properties, outstanding among any other substance available, and graphene has grown as the most promising material for brand-new electronic circuitry, sensors and optical ...

Image: ESA's Optical Ground Station laser tags ISS

The future of space communications was illuminated by this test, as a laser beam was shone from ESA's Optical Ground Station in Tenerife to the International Space Station in orbit.

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