Related topics: protein

Unearthing the sweet potato proteome

The sweet, starchy orange sweet potatoes are tasty and nutritious ingredients for fries, casseroles and pies. Although humans have been cultivating sweet potatoes for thousands of years, scientists still don't know much about ...

Could non-gluten proteins play a role in celiac disease?

Although gluten-free foods are trendy among the health-conscious, they are necessary for those with celiac disease. But gluten, the primary trigger for health problems in these patients, may not be the only culprit. Scientists ...

Saliva proteins may protect older people from influenza

Spit. Drool. Dribble. Saliva is not normally a topic of polite conversation, but it may be the key to explaining the age and sex bias exhibited by influenza and other diseases, according to a new study. Published in ACS' ...

Strawberry fields forever and fungus-free

( —Strawberries are one of the most economically important berry crops in the world, and a high value export crop for the Australian horticultural industry.For the first time, researchers at The University of Western ...

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Journal of Proteome Research

The Journal of Proteome Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published since 2002 by the American Chemical Society. JPR is currently indexed in: CAS, SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, British Library, PubMed, and Web of Science.

The current Editor-in-Chief is William S. Hancock.

The journal has published a number of special issues in topics including:

JPR has an ISI Impact Factor of 5.684 as reported by the 2008 Journal Citation Reports by Thomson Reuters.

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