New research explores theories about aging and death in plants

( —According to Benjamin Franklin, "nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." But what if Franklin had it wrong—at least about death? University of Georgia ecologist Richard P. Shefferson explored ...

Dry leaves make for juicy science

A research team consisting of a University of Arizona graduate student, about 40 middle school students and a UA research lab has undertaken the first systematic study looking at how much plant leaves shrink when they dry ...

Genetic similarity promotes cooperation

In a dog-eat-dog world of ruthless competition and 'survival of the fittest,' new research from the University of Leicester reveals that individuals are genetically programmed to work together and cooperate with those who ...

Continents influenced human migration, spread of technology

How modern-day humans dispersed on the planet and the pace of civilization-changing technologies that accompanied their migrations are enduring mysteries. Scholars believe ancient peoples on Europe and Asia moved primarily ...

Genetic evidence clears Ben Franklin (w/ Video)

The DNA evidence is in, and Ben Franklin didn't do it. Genetic tests on more than 1,000 Chinese tallow trees from the United States and China show the famed U.S. statesman did not import the tallow trees that are overrunning ...

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Journal of Evolutionary Biology

The Journal of Evolutionary Biology is a scientific journal in the field of evolutionary biology, published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Delayed open access is available 2 years after publication.

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