Radio halo detected in a low-mass galaxy cluster

Using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), European astronomers have carried out radio observations of a low-mass galaxy cluster known as PSZ2G145.92-12.53, dubbed the Ant Cluster. In result, they identified a radio halo—a ...

Cosmic furnace seen by X-ray observatory

This burst of color shows a fascinating discovery: a galaxy cluster acting as a cosmic furnace. The cluster is heating the material within to hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius—well over 25 times hotter than the core ...

Simulations reveal galaxy clusters details

Inspired by the science fiction of the spacefaring Romulans of Star Trek, astrophysicists have used XSEDE-allocated supercomputers to develop cosmological computer simulations called RomulusC, where the 'C' stands for galaxy ...

Enriching the intracluster medium

( -- Galaxies are sometimes found in large clusters with many hundreds of members. Typically there is a giant elliptical galaxy near the center; most of these ellipticals are very bright emitters of radio radiation ...

Turbulence responsible for black holes' balancing act

We live in a hierarchical Universe where small structures join into larger ones. Earth is a planet in our Solar System, the Solar System resides in the Milky Way Galaxy, and galaxies combine into groups and clusters. Clusters ...

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