Evolution still scientifically stable

An international team of researchers, including Monash University biochemists, has discovered evidence at the molecular level in support of one of the key tenets of Darwin's theory of evolution.

Bacteria provide immunity against giant viruses

Amoebae receive surprising support in defense against viruses: The bacteria they are infected with prevent them from being destroyed by giant viruses. A research team led by microbiologist Matthias Horn from the Center for ...

Amoeba feast on backpacks

(Phys.org)—The amoeba Acanthamoeba cunningly traps motile bacteria, collecting them in a rucksack before devouring the whole backpack. This behaviour of the single-cell organisms is unique.

Scientists shed light on the emergence of pathogenic bacteria

Pathogenic bacteria are highly specialized micro-organisms that are a leading cause of human, livestock and crop disease, resulting in significant health and economic loss worldwide. How these pathogens, which sometimes even ...

Study clarifies role of bacteria in pandemic diseases

(Phys.org) —Wolbachia are intracellular bacteria that infect invertebrates at pandemic levels, including insects that cause such devastating diseases as Dengue fever, West Nile virus, and malaria. While Wolbachia-based ...

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