Microclimates: Managing weather from street to street

Walk through a city and the weather may change from block to block, often in startling ways. Step into a canyon of tall buildings and sunlight disappears. Winds arise seemingly from nowhere. The air smells completely different ...

New excavations indicate use of fertilizers 5,000 years ago

Researchers from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have spent many years studying the remains of a Stone Age community in Karleby outside the town of Falköping, Sweden. The researchers have for example tried to identify ...

A thousand years of environmental change in Polynesia

Environmental change is nothing new in Polynesia. For centuries, the inhabitants of the volcanic, sea-battered islands have been employing a variety of strategies to adapt to their changing landscapes.

Surfing bacteria reveal new insights into the ocean's health

Australian scientists have recorded more than 175,000 tiny microbes dwelling in our ocean waters for the first time, providing an unprecedented baseline against which to measure the effects of climate change and human activities.

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