How do children learn to read silently?

When a beginning reader reads aloud, her progress is apparent: Hunched over a book, little index finger blazing the way, she moves intently from sound to sound, word to word.

Attractive men have long... ring fingers: study

The longer a man's fourth or ring finger is compared to his index finger, the more likely he is to be judged attractive by women, according to a study released Wednesday.

How the carrot approach facilitates learning

People who are rewarded for making correct decisions learn quickly. While the "carrot" approach may produce favourable results, little is understood about how rewards facilitate the learning process.

3-year-olds get the point

Dogs and small children who share similar social environments appear to understand human gestures in comparable ways, according to Gabriella Lakatos from Eötvös University in Budapest, Hungary, and her team. Looking at ...

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