Researchers unveil effects of dust particles on cloud properties

An international team led by Japanese scientists has generated significant findings that highlight the impact of high-latitude dust on the conversion of water droplets in clouds into ice—or glaciation—within low-level ...

How antifreeze proteins make ice crystals grow

Bacteria, plants, insects and fish use antifreeze proteins to protect themselves from the cold. The proteins block the growth of ice crystals. In a new study, a German-Israeli research team has confirmed that these proteins ...

Snowflakes are not as unique as you think

The delicate snow flurries that you watch fall from your window, shovel off your sidewalk, and curse when they turn into slush puddles, have quite a long adventure before they make it to the ground. A snowflake begins its ...

Questioning conventional understanding of antifreeze proteins

Scientists have discovered that an ice-binding protein (fcIBP) from sea ice microalga does not fit in the conventional classification of ice-binding proteins, suggesting unknown mechanisms behind its antifreeze property. ...

How antifreeze proteins stop ice cold

How do insects survive harsh northern winters?  Unlike mammals, they don't have thick coats of fur to keep warm.  But they do have antifreeze. Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) prevent ice from forming and spreading inside their ...

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