Scientists explore lamprey's ability to adapt and survive

The ability to regulate salt and water balance is a significant challenge for animals living in freshwater habitats worldwide. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists studied ...

Hormones control paternal interest in offspring

Basing their research on an unexpected interspecies difference between rats and mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University have mapped a system in the brain that controls paternal behavior towards ...

Lactation hormone cues birds to be good parents

Toppling a widespread assumption that a "lactation" hormone only cues animals to produce food for their babies, Cornell researchers have shown the hormone also prompts zebra finches to be good parents.

Do hormones dictate breeding success in birds?

( -- Some animals produce more offspring than others do. Hormones like prolactin and corticosterone can exercise a crucial influence on the behaviour of birds in the breeding season and therefore on their reproductive ...