Bloodsucking mite threatens UK honeybees

Scientists have discovered how a bloodsucking parasite has transformed Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) into one of the biggest threats facing UK honeybees.

Honeybees show tipping points

Parasites, lack of food, cold snaps, pesticides, and poor management all can stress honeybee colonies, making it difficult to pin their collapse on a single source. However, in controlled field tests, honeybee colonies show ...

US survey finds 23% of bee colonies died this winter

Nearly one out of four American honeybee colonies died this winter—a loss that's not quite as bad as recent years, says a new U.S. Department of Agriculture survey of beekeepers.

Agricultural policy change drives increased pollination demand

Research involving botanists from Trinity College Dublin has shown that the demand for financially critical pollination services has risen five times as fast as the number of honeybee colonies across Europe. The mismatch ...

Wanted: Billions of bees for European farms

Many countries in Europe face a worrying lack of crop-pollinating honeybees, a problem caused mainly by an EU policy shift in favour of biofuels, scientists warned on Wednesday.

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