Closing in on next-generation atom-thick photonic devices

From microscopes and cameras to night vision devices and optical fiber communications, photodetectors have a wide array of applications. Photodetectors capture and convert light into electrical signals but are often limited ...

The effects of tightening a molecular knot

A study conducted by Anne-Sophie Duwez and Damien Sluysmans from the NANOCHEM group at the University of Liège (Belgium) has made it possible to decode the mechanical response of small-molecule synthetic overhand knots by ...

Understanding friction, the unavoidable enemy

For machines with mechanical elements, friction is an unavoidable enemy. It is a major source of service failure and can reduce the lifespan of any machinery, from bicycles and cars to airplanes and assembly lines.

Transforming common insulators into superior superconductors

Superconductors are a limited group of materials which conduct electricity with zero resistance at lower than certain temperatures (TCs) peculiar to each material. Once zero resistance is achieved, the loss of electric energy ...

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