New research explores durability of 2D hybrid materials

New research has unveiled the fatigue resistance of 2D hybrid materials. These materials, known for their low cost and high performance, have long-held promise across semiconductor fields. However, their durability under ...

Scientists create UV-enabled flexible wearable technology

To enable the development of wearable devices that possess advanced ultraviolet (UV) detection functions, scientists from NTU Singapore have created a new type of light sensor that is both flexible and highly sensitive.While ...

Researchers develop new class of optoelectronic materials

Semiconductors are used for myriad optoelectronic devices. However, as devices get smaller and smaller and more demanding, new materials are needed to ensure that devices work with greater efficiency. Now, researchers at ...

Method analyzes non-uniform conductors with a magnetic field

From laptops and televisions to smartphones and tablets, semiconductors have made advanced electronics possible. These types of devices are so pervasive, in fact, that Northwestern Engineering's Matthew Grayson says we are ...