Widely used weed killer harming biodiversity

One of the world's most widely used glyphosate-based herbicides, Roundup, can trigger loss of biodiversity, making ecosystems more vulnerable to pollution and climate change, say researchers from McGill University.

Herbicide boost for tadpoles: study

Maligned as a bee-killer and possibly cancer-causing, a common herbicide has turned out to be a boon for tadpoles making them more toxic to predators, researchers said Wednesday.

Weed scientist finds slight rise in herbicide chronic toxicity

A University of Wyoming weed scientist—frustrated with the noise surrounding genetically modified organisms and glyphosate use—analyzed data to see for himself if biotech adoption has had a negative or positive effect ...

Study explores control options for black swallowwort

Black swallowwort is a difficult to control invasive vine that thrives in natural areas and perennial cropping systems across northeastern North America. To date, though, no scientific studies have been conducted to determine ...

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