Here today, gone tomorrow: How humans lost their body hair

Orangutans, mice, and horses are covered with it, but humans aren't. Why we have significantly less body hair than most other mammals has long remained a mystery. But a first-of-its-kind comparison of genetic codes from 62 ...

New class of antibiotics against resistant bacteria

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing threat to human health. In an article published in the journal PNAS, Umeå researcher Fredrik Almqvist and his colleagues present a new type of antibiotic that effectively ...

Chew on this: Personalized health care for mountain gorillas

A mountain gorilla walks in the forest of East Africa's Virunga Volcanoes conservation area. It stops at a piece of wild celery, sits down, and begins to chew. It strips the vegetable's fibrous threads through its teeth, ...

Sensor could help patients stay on top of their meds

Lithium can alleviate the symptoms of bipolar disorder and depression—if taken in just the right amount. Too little won't work, while too much can bring on dangerous side effects. To precisely monitor the amount of this ...

With roommates, it's all about chemistry, molecularly speaking

Within and upon every human being reside countless microorganisms—the microbiota that help shape and direct the lives of their hosts. A similar phenomenon occurs between people, microbes and the homes they share.

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