Building 3-D fractals on a nano scale

It starts with one 3D structure with eight planes, an octahedron. This repeats itself to smaller octahedra: 625 after just four steps. At every corner of a new octahedron, a successive octahedron is formed. A truly fascinating ...

Unraveling how spiderwebs absorb energy

Spiderwebs can withstand a predator's impact while still helping catch and detect small prey. Spiders architect these lightweight networks for strength and elasticity using different silks and geometric structures. Recently, ...

Scientists train honey bees to stick out their tongues

Honey bees are a highly organized, social species, as demonstrated by their complex colonies and the geometric structure of their hives. For hive building, the honey bee strongly relies on its tactile sense, and a new video-article ...

New taxonomy of platinum nanoclusters

The unexpected diversity of metallic nanoclusters' inner structure has now been catalogued into families. Physicists have gained new insights into the inner intricacies of the structural variations of metallic nanoclusters. ...

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