Researchers discover hidden step in dinosaur feather evolution

Paleontologists at University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland have discovered that some feathered dinosaurs had scaly skin like reptiles today, thus shedding new light on the evolutionary transition from scales to feathers.

First evidence found of a dinosaur eating a mammal

An international team of researchers has found the first evidence of a dinosaur eating a mammal. In their paper published in Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, the group describes their reexamination of a fossil found more ...

Cool oasis for Cretaceous feathered dinosaurs

The Jehol Biota, an ancient ecosystem in Liaoning province in northeastern China, includes a dense and diverse array of Cretaceous flora and fauna and is a hot spot of feathered dinosaur fossils. A new study reconstructs ...

Sex appeal helped dinosaurs take flight

Attracting mates with showy displays may have helped dinosaurs develop feathers that let them take flight, according to new research by University of Alberta paleontologists.

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