Tokyo trials digital billboards that scan passers-by

Digital advertising billboards being trialled in Japan are fitted with cameras that read the gender and age group of people looking at them to tailor their commercial messages.

Facial recognition techniques studied by BBS team

Rapid improvements in facial-recognition software mean airport security workers might one day know with near certainty whether they're looking at a stressed-out tourist or staring a terrorist in the eye.

Researchers develop 3-D reconstruction software

Researchers have designed a program to generate 3D imagery from the projection and digitization of binary data that allows reconstruction of various objects in order to reproduce parts of classic automobiles, prehispanic ...

Emotion-reading tech fails the racial bias test

Facial recognition technology has progressed to point where it now interprets emotions in facial expressions. This type of analysis is increasingly used in daily life. For example, companies can use facial recognition software ...

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