Evapotranspiration in an arid environment

Evapotranspiration is an important process in the water cycle because it is responsible for 15% of the atmosphere's water vapor. Without that input of water vapor, clouds could not form, and precipitation would never fall. ...

Noah-MP captures major hydrological patterns in China

The Noah land surface model with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP) simulates the major spatiotemporal patterns of hydrological variables in China, a vast country characterized by complex terrain and large river basins ...

Fire's effects on soil moisture, runoff

Fire and water. Timeless, opposing forces, they are actually linked in powerful ways that can have major impacts on communities and ecosystems.

Midwest mugginess linked to crops working up a 'corn sweat'

The Midwest's first dangerous bout of heat and humidity this summer is partly to blame on the moisture piped out of the ground and into the atmosphere by the increasing acreage of corn crops reaching peak maturity, meteorologists ...

Deforestation is messing with our weather and our food

Today, the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) at the University of Maryland published new research in Nature Communications providing insight into how large-scale deforestation could impact global food ...

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